GF Project Activities
- Engagement of Youth-led CBOs for AGYW activities in Ebonyi and Kwara States
- Organizational Capacity Building Training for SSRs/ Youth-led CBOs
- Conduct mapping of hotspots for targeted HIV testing services to high risk AGYW, ABYM, and their sexual partners
- Monthly Support Group meetings
- Joint Quarterly Supportive Supervisory visits (4 States)
- Data Quality Assurance
- Routine Mentor Mothers’ activities at the facility and community levels
- Qualitative Data Collection: FGDs and KII
- State and national Data Validation
- Mapping of GHR Service Providers
- Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) for Health and Community Systems Strengthening
- State-level GHR training for PLHIV, KP and AGYW Support Group and CBO Leaders in North-Cenral States