The NEPWHAN’s 3-days First Semester Bi-annual Review Meeting of the Nigeria TB/HIV Reach Integrated and Impact Project (N-THRIP) GC7 grant, held from 5th to 7th August, 2024, at Radiance Spring Hotel, Abuja, brought together National, States and AGYW CBOs project staff, key stakeholders (NACA and NASCP) and the PR (IHVN) to assess project performance and progress, as well as to strengthen collaboration and coordination among project staff and stakeholders.
The opening/welcome address by the National Coordinator set the tone for an engaging and productive session. Goodwill messages were received from NACA, NASCP and IHVN, reflecting the strong collaborative spirit that drives our efforts towards ending HIV/AIDS.
The meeting highlights include presentations by the NEPWHAN National, States and AGYW CBOs project teams, which provided updates on implementation of project activities, achievements and challenges in all areas of NEPWHAN’s interventions from Anambra, Ebonyi, Gombe and Kwara States on the GC7 grant (Treatment, Care and Support; Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission; Gender and Human Rights initiatives; Community- Led Monitoring; and Adolescent Girls and Young Women initiatives), including financial and audit issues.
The overall and States-specific scorecards including the CBOs were reviewed to identify gaps and areas for improvement.
Participants engaged in group work sessions, fostering collaboration and sharing of ideas to tackle challenges and strategize for the future. Specifically, the group work developed time-boxed strategies and recommendations to improve the grant’s technical and absorptive performance of funds, based on identified gaps.
Participants at the intensive 3-days’ meeting had the opportunity to clarify issues, share insights, and plan for the next semester on the grant implementation
This review meeting was an important milestone in our journey towards achieving our goals, and the insights gained will guide our efforts in the coming months, as we look forward to continued collaboration and progress in our work to create a lasting impact.