Network of People Living with HIV in Nigeria (NEPWHAN): is the national umbrella body that coordinates and administers all Support Groups, constituencies, associations and organizations of persons living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. NEPWHAN is community based and use community led approach to implement her activities. Core activities of NEPWHAN include coordination and advocacy, community-led interventions (treatment adherence/retention on treatment – Second 95), monitoring, evidence gathering and resource mobilization.
Under the Global Fund RSSH Grant, the civil society on AIDS (Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria – NEPWHAN), Tuberculosis (TB Networks) and Malaria (Civil Society in Malaria Control, Immunization and Nutrition – ACOMIN) in Nigeria have been engaged to provide oversight to community led monitoring activities. The Community-led monitoring (CLM) technique focuses on getting feedback from service providers, recipients of services and the affected communities in a routine and systematic manner that will translate into action and change. The CLM intervention will utilize data collected by the community-led monitoring teams (CLMTs) to improve service delivery and client outcomes for end users of services at the facility and community levels. Issues that cannot be resolved at their level will be escalated to the national level for resolution.
Vaccancy Announcement_Consultancy Role on GBV_GHR_Tool Kit. 9.9.22[2564]
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